Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Google Compete's with NASA

Going along with my other post at http://googlegoinggreen.blogspot.com/, Google has decided to create a contest where contestants are given a prize of $30 million to send a space craft to the moon and discover new sources of renewable energy. This "going green" philosophy has been adopted by many companies, but none have done so in such creative and risky ways.
In Google's Lunar X Prize Contest ideally contestants will be able to send their craft to the moon and possibly tap into the natural resources. Solar energy seems to be the biggest target. This carbon free method of obtaining energy could be very useful in harnessing the suns power at a new level. It also seems to me that the moon may become the largest solar power plant ever created, but that, if possible at all, would be in the very distant future. An article detailing the contest can be found here:


Google is a company that thinks outside the box, and strives toward innovation and creative thinking. Maybe that is why people think so highly of Google, while Microsoft is still thought of as a cumbersome bully of a company. For example when Microsoft tried to take over Yahoo! that was seen as not only a typical Microsoft move (if you can't do it yourself buy it from someone else), but people thought that by Yahoo! being controlled by the worlds largest OS provider there could be huge breaches in privacy and would make the search system totally corrupt. I agree with this assessment. I believe that Microsoft would definitely skew search results to get the outcome they way they desired. Thats probably why no one uses MSN, and Yahoo! is already losing searches to Google. All in all this space race seems to be another example of how Google thinks outside the box and will try as hard as possible to avoid becoming Microsoft.

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